Today, we now have a new Prime Minister, after a decade, held fast by the PC party. The Liberals are back in power with a majority government. In essence, the people of Canada have made a democratic decision, bringing in a fresh perspective to overall Canadians.
Congratulations to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau !
During the elections, I never thought it would be a majority government, but to everyone's surprise, it did!
It will be interesting to see how Bill C 51 will be amendment.
Increasing concerns of any change, will deeply effect our Canadian way of Life
We are in fact, totally dependant on the decisions made by Bill C 51 and Bill C 24. Not only will it drastically change the security and welfare of Canada, but it puts every man, woman and child in harms way.
Bill C 51 states :
An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts.
Bill C 24 states :
Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act
An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts.
With a new government in power, it's unclear what changes will be made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It's our hope, his security advisors will explain the complex operations of terrorism and how it will seriously effect the safety of every man, woman and child in Canada.
Bill C 51 and Bill C 24 are necessary to protect Canadians and their constitutional rights. But not only is our freedom an important Canadian value, but so is a SAFE ENVIRONMENT. This is why it's vitally important to add these additions :
- Limit the wearing of "conspicuous" religious symbols for said personnel.
- Make it mandatory to have one’s face uncovered when providing or receiving a state service.
If the above amendments are NOT enforced, it's just a matter of time before religious beliefs will dictate and weaken our security over terrorism.
In fact, it will be used against us !
Not only that, but it will seriously effect our relationship with United States of America.
I wouldn't blame them, if they decided to put up a wall, to protect the interest of Americans. You may think this sounds petty, but without you knowing, our Canadian values and traditions are being stripped away year after year, just because it offends someone's religion.
So who is really in POWER now?
I've heard time and time again, this has nothing at all to do with religion. But it does! It's very much about religion. Since when should religion dictate or take away our Canadian traditions ?
What are Canadian Traditions ?
Yearly Traditions:
A) Christmas
B) Thanksgiving
C) Easter
D) Birthdays
E) Anniversary
F) New Years Eve
G) Remembrance Day
The above is a small example of our Canadian traditions, without including the tradition of our historical RCMP, crazy Canucks enjoying hockey or our endless food and drinks. When my grandfather came to Canada from Italy, close to 80 years ago, he was happy to see the distinct Heritage of Canada.
I remember him telling me, "While in Rome, do what the Romans do, but since I'm in Canada...Do What the Canadians do".
He loved his Italian culture but didn't want to change how Canadians live as a Whole Society.
My grandfather was a strong Catholic, but never once did his religion ever interfere with anyone who didn't believe.
I understand new Canadian citizens want to keep their other heritage, but it should not interfere with Canadian traditions or weaken our values.
And if one is talking about fear of a possible State government with Bill C-24, it's only right to face the growing fear of what was once Canada. If a particular culture runs and controls our government, it won't be long before they force their culture onto the rest of Canada.
When will it become mandatory for ALL WOMEN to cover their face?
Go ahead and practice your beliefs in the comfort of your home, "Do what you do in your own home" but when you begin to conform your ways on the rest of Canada, that's when I disagree.
As said, " Bill C-24, the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act, which allows Ottawa to strip Canadian-born citizens of their citizenship if they’ve been convicted of treason, spying or terrorism, if those Canadians have citizenship in another country or are considered able to claim citizenship in another country through a parent. The government can do so even if the conviction takes places in another country – even one that lacks the rule of law."
Prime Minister Steven Harper was only protecting the interest and safety of every man, woman and child. His security advisers are in fact warning Canadians of a security threat, which will do considerable harm to our country. Trust me, he wasn't a dictator. If only you knew how serious our overall safety is, you would sure be singing a different tune. The Americans are well aware.
We must protect Canada !
Because, of all the unthinkable actions by others, harming Canadians, it's necessary to protect Canada from any form of terrorism.
If you...Do the Crime - You Do the Time.
And because of those who seem it's perfectly fine to harm our RCMP , Canadian Police forces and our Armed Forces across Canada and the world, it's time to bring back the death penalty and strength our the laws to protect Canada as a whole.
If we dare do any crime in others countries, they are sure to convict, as their government dictates. And that's mostly death!
In Comment to Mayor Naheed Nenshi
I respect Mayor Naheed Nenshi for his commitment to the people of Calgary and his father's journey to Canada. His dad must of been the proudest dad ever, when his son became mayor.
And that's the freedom of Canada.
Mayor Naheed Nenshi sounds like a wonderful man who has compassion, but if he feels Canada will become divided, he's wrong.
Canada is already divided
When someone can hide their face, due to their religious beliefs, and it becomes a threat to others safety, that's when you draw the line.
When religion dictates the freedom and safety of Canadians, by placing serious life threatening restrictions on the whole of Canada, something is terribly wrong.
We must protect Canada!
When I was a kid, I went to a Catholic school. We began with a pray and sang," God Save Our Queen" every morning before our studies.
And now that's gone. In a Catholic school ! Go figure. It's Catholic for crying out loud!
The term Christmas Holidays is now considered offensive to other religions.
Well, wait a minute!
Wearing a concealed religious dagger and covering your face is offensive to me, because I fear for my safety.
As far as I am concerned, religion is the main reason why our world is in the trouble it is today. For crying out loud, Christmas is only a tradition, where family and friends, exchanging gifts, enjoying a turkey dinner. That's what Christmas has been in my family for over 50 years!
So why is this so offensive to others?
IT IS A TRADITION and constitutional right to enjoy the freedom of our traditions across North America, UK and Europe. The POWER of RELIGION is what I fear today.
Will it take away my Canadians values to?
As a proud Canadian I will respect others beliefs to a point, but NOT when it interferes with our Canadian values jeapordizing the safety of every man, woman and child.
I still have the freedom to express this point.
When our freedom of speech is taken away along with our Canadian heritage, it's no longer CANADA.
Religion is all about power and control.
Go ahead and have your freedom to religion, but not to control me, my family or my Canada.
When will we start fearing for our lives, or has it already begun?
Look what's happening across the world. We must protect Canada, Canadians and our children.
When the first newcomers came to this new country, it's true they did terrible things to the aboriginal people, including taking away their land. Yes. That was history and it's unfortunate, but today is today.
If the Americans won the war of 1812 we would be Americans today.
[ Just in case they don't teach our Canadian history in the education system anymore, here's a short reminder ...The War of 1812 was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812 and was invaded a number of times by the Americans.]
The point is, the Americans didn't take over Canada. On July 1, 1867, Canada was born.
But now, are we to fear, the newcomers coming into our country today will eventually take away CANADA as we know it ?
That's what Canadians have to fear, not Bill C 51 or C 24.
It's the only way to control radical individuals and/or militants, giving our Canadian Government the ability to remove them from Canada. Unfortunately these radical individuals are controlled by religion.
[ Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.]
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